Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mid Term Progress

I can’t believe that it’s already midterm, the semesters has flown by! Although it went quickly I can see that I’ve already learned a lot in Life Drawing. It was a bit of a struggle to get back into drawing since it has been three years since I have taken a drawing course. I found figure drawing to be more my style than Drawing I and Drawing II. I like that we do a combination of fast gesture drawings and longer contour drawings. They each hold their own challenges for me but I can see how I am growing with each and how they will help me in other aspects of my major and career.

I have gained a better understanding of the form of the body from the hours of close attention devoted to it this semester. This will be beneficial for me when I am designing spaces when attempting to understand proportion and scale. My ultimate goal is to design functional, aesthetically pleasing spaces which better the lives of the people who occupy them; this would be impossible without knowledge about the form of the body that the spaces are constructed for. I know the studying the body will help me with incorporating successful ergonomics in my future designs. It has been good to have a refresher in drawing since this is always an important skill to have when designing since it conveys ideas quickly.

When working on interiors projects I am a perfectionist and spend as long as it takes to get every detail the way I want it. This course challenges me in that regard since I know that it is something that I will not master by the end of the semester and my drawings will not be perfect. I think this is a good thing for me to accept so I can find a healthy balance. For my drawings I want to improve my proportion. I am still leaving too much space between the rib cage and pelvis. Also, I struggle drawing the pelvis if the model is laying or sitting; I only seem to understand it best standing.

My work so far (albums are on the right side of the page):